Wednesday, December 26, 2007

We have made it through Christmas very wore out, but we have had a lot of fun with family and friends and have made a lot of memories. Emilee and Austin recieved a lot of toys and clothes and they have had fun with all the new toys. We went to Grandma Jackies first on Christmas Eve and just finished tonight with my Uncle Roger and his family. So I think we are going to be glad to just sit back for a while.
Austin got his cast off this past Friday and he still limps around, so I am not sure if it still hurts or is not used to having the cast off yet and is still walking like it is on. So if we can help it we hope he will not get hurt ever again. In the first 18months of his life he has had more things happen to hime than I have in my 25 years.
Well we hope all of you had a nice Christ filled Christmas.